The Man in Neverland

Toegevoegd door Saskia Beugel op 02-07-2009 om 10:44

Michael in Neverland.... Overal waar ik kwam deze week: Michael.. En hij was een special soul, een sterrenkind! Ik merkte dat zijn muziek en nu zijn dood me veel deed en hij raakte miljoenen mensen.. The man uit Neverland the man in the mirror.. Vandaag ontving ik een stukje hierover van de Alliance die wil ik delen.

Maar eerst mijn dank- en liefde betuiging (inspired by Hoponooponoo) vanuit mijn hart, het diepst van mijn hart:

I love you
Thank you
Forgive me
I am sorry

In a perfect world Michael Jackson would have drifted off into Neverland peacefully and quietly almost without want or worry. But when his heart stopped and news spread, the whole world stopped along with him. In that moment, human consciousness realized the magnitude of his existence.

Michael was necessary and the realization that this special soul would no longer grace our fallen planet was now painfully inadequate. He was bigger than his dreams, better than his inspiration and he lived above and beyond our wildest dreams. Michael was not as misunderstood, like he thought he was. He was merely too brave in a world encrusted by fear. A fear which at times, ridiculed and slapped a man who pursued excellence, integrity and truth in the eye of the manic media.

Michael was an incredible empath, so much so, that the vulgarity of humanity’s behavior was too much. His empathy and compassion was met with immense intellect. His lyrics questioned all of us...

“What about us?”

“Who am I to be blind?”

He made profound statements such as, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror”.

Michael was human, his humanness was displayed in the public eye and even throughout all the tabloid chatter, he managed to express his hopes for humanity, never losing sight of what mattered to him. Giving freely and full of love, regardless of challenge.

The next time you look in the mirror, remember his words, and start with the man/woman in the mirror. Beauty, love, forgiveness,compassion, giving... it all begins with the man in the mirror.

We wish to express love to Michael's family, friends and fans, he will be missed, but his magical legacy will be ever present.

Bron: Alliance for a New Humanity

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Saskia Beugel

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