Book Launch Traditional Medicine for the Modern World & Workshop
New Book Launch Shamanic Healing, Traditional Medicine for the Modern World & Workshop How Vision heals - 2 June - de Roos - 25 € - 19-22 uurJoin me in celebrating the publishing of my new book. In his new book, Itzhak invites you to meet his teachers and learn about his personal journey from a skeptic to a believer. He describes the contrasts between the two health systems, what Shamanic Healing really is, who can become a shaman, the source of illnesses, the principals and cosmology. He provides step-by-step instructions on many healing teachings, ceremonies, and techniques, such as La Limpia–energy cleansing, diagnostic and divination readings, protection techniques from negative energies, soul retrieval, de-possession and additional healing tips. Also included are thirty true and inspiring healing stories in which the power of the ancient know how changed and healed modern peoples’ lives, and freed them from panic attacks, schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, relieved cancer, chronic pain, grief, and relationship problems. Shamanic Healing is an important book for the times we live in." Sandra Ingerman, MA author of 10 books including Soul Retrieval and Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life A must read to be prescribed to all seeking healing, as well as for their health professionals. Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD – Founder of Blue Spirit Costa Rica and Omega Institute Workshop: How vision heals: Shamanic Practices for Mind and BodyDiscover how the unseen realm of dreams and visions hold the key to balance, health, and thriving in today's world . Learn how to connect and communicate with nature spirits. Explore the meaning and healing aspects of your power animal spirit. Encounter the healing potential of sacred plant medicines like ayahuasca and peyote Learn what a soul is, from a shamanic perspective. Discover how shamans use lucid dreams to receive spiritual guidance. Understand how to heal and rejuvenate your body while in the dreaming state -- and send healing to others. Explore how to use shapeshifting techniques in daily life. Facts & Figures
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