Training Earth Guardian

Save Gaia with Earth Lawyer Polly Higgins

Sometimes individuals can act like beacons of lights, create tipping points and be bridges between different worlds. This afternoon, Earth Lawyer and meditator Polly Higgins will train you to become such a beacon of light, and save Gaia with her.

She will teach you how you can:
  • transform feelings of anger or hopelessness when faced with environmental destruction into compassion and bold action;
  • access that place of greatness and vision within you from which you can co-create a peaceful world;
  • use your own skills and talents to become an Earth Guardian in your own unique way; 
  • become part of the global End Ecocide-movement and use your political and economical influence to help birth a Green Economy. 
In short, Polly will give you tools to heal your inner and outer ecology and claim your power as co-creator of the New Earth!

More about Polly Higgins

Polly Higgins is a barrister, international lawyer and the award winning author of Eradicating Ecocide. In April 2010 she proposed to the United Nations to make Ecocide - the extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystems of a given territory - the 5th Crime Against Peace, alongside Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, Crimes of Aggression and War Crimes. Since that moment, she has been traveling around the world as a leading advocate of Earth Law, speaking at the International Criminal Court, the European Parliament, World Climate Summits and many other venues. Polly's love for nature is matched by her heartfelt belief in the power of each and everyone of us to create a better world. Helping individuals to 'dare to become great' and co-create a peaceful and sustainable world is her life's mission.

"I'm supporting Polly Higgins on her big big idea of making Ecocide a Crime Against Peace. It should be a crime because what we call the environment is our universal body; the trees are our lungs, the rivers our circulation. If our trees didn't breathe we wouldn't breath; the air is our breath. It's our body that we are killing and that's why we need to make it a crime."       -  Deepak Chopra

Date, prices etc. 

Date: zondag 30 juni
Venue: Centrum De Roos, PC Hooftstraat 183 Amsterdam
Time: 14.00 -17.30
Price: 40 € online, 50 € aan de deur;
         25 % korting voor vrijwilligers & leden van de Partij van de Dieren


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