Align with the Cosmic Laws

Toegevoegd door Saskia Beugel op 16-01-2011 om 20:50

Ik schreef met mijn first spiritual teacher uit Rishikesh (nu in States) Swami Dharmananda over de fase waar ik in zit. Ik wist dat hij door dezelfde fases en uitdagingen was gegaan. Een spiegel.

Hij schreef me terug:

'I am well aware of all the confusions that are assailing your mind. I have lived my whole life with very similar difficulties and challenges. these difficulties of sometimes not knowing what to do and at other times we know what we want but how to do what we want is not clear. Even today in America where I have all the help I do not know. No plans come to my mind, my mind is blank. I live from day to day facing whatever comes each day. When the host, ask me Swamiji what do you want , I will help you. I have no answer to give him. God works mysteriously through each one of us. he does not always tell us what to do and we grovel in uncertainty. So keep praying and keep up your connection . He will get done what needs to be done through us. Drop fear, worry and let go. Perhaps we have to learn to let go of what we want and allow God to do what He wants from us. Lots of love'

Dat zijn de lessen I guess..align with the cosmic laws..

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Saskia Beugel

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